
  • Borland Socket Server
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 4. 18:32
    Borland socket server

    Hi,I'm currently investigating if our D7 application wil run under Vista and if not, what we need to fix in order to make it work.However, during the installation of our application (via InstallShield) the Borland Socket Server was installed but when trying to start the service, it timed out.I'm logging in as administrator. (not a user with administative rights)I even tried to only copy the scktsrvr.exe to the Vista client, install it manually and then try to start te service manually, but still it wouldn't run.(NOTE: I tried both scktsrvr.exe from D7 and D2007.)Finally, I'd created a simple service in D7 (which does nothing) and installed it on Vista. Then I started this service and it ran with no problems.Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong or what I need to adjust, to get socket server running as a service in Vista?Thanks,ArnoBob Swart09.08.07 1:39. Hi Arno, However, during the installation of our application (via InstallShield) the Borland Socket Server was installed but when trying to start the service, it timed out.Most likely, it's being blocked by the Windows Firewall, but also by thefact that it must be installed while being run in administrator mode.If you start the scktsrvr.exe from the command-line (i.e. Not as aservice), you may get a Windows Security Dialog telling you that WindowsFirewall has blocked some features of this program (yeah right, thatmeans it won't be able to listen to the port you want). If you thenclick on the Unblock button, it will be unblocked. If you don't click onthe Unblock button, it will be blocked (and cannot communicate).Note that you will get this question only once.

    Borland Socket Server Fix是什么

    And if you start it as aservice the first time, my gut feeling is that it will have marked thescktsrvr.exe as an application that should be blocked.To manually override this (once it is blocked - or to explicitly set itas unblocked), go to Control Panel - Security - Windows Firewall -Allow a program through Windows Firewall (which invokes the UAC dialog)and then explicitly enable the Socket Server to run.That's only the first step, however. The second step is to install theSocket Server. If you just run the scktsrvr.exe, it will NOT run asAdministrator. And to install it as a service, you even need to run itwith the /install command-line switch. As an administrator (otherwise itwill not be able to install itself and will 'time out' as you noticed).So, to solve this, I created a short cut to the scktsrvr.exe (and placedthe shortcut on my desktop), and then added the /install to the targetof the shortcut (in the properties dialog).

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