
  • Code Composer Studio V5 License File
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 15. 14:20

    I following the tutorialto install CCS V5 floating license.After./lmutil lmstat -aI got following error messageLicense file(s) on pirat-server: /opt/licenseserver/licenses/TMDSCCS-ALLF10-v5.lic:pirat-server: license server UP (MASTER) v11.10Vendor daemon status (on pirat-server):tidspssw: The desired vendor daemon is down. HI Lisathank you for your reply.The tidspssw log is as follows10:16:30 (lmgrd) -10:16:30 (lmgrd)10:16:30 (lmgrd)10:16:30 (lmgrd) The license server manager (lmgrd) running as root:10:16:30 (lmgrd) This is a potential security problem10:16:30 (lmgrd) and is not recommended.10:16:30 (lmgrd) tidspssw already running 27000@pirat-server10:16:30 (lmgrd) The license server manager (lmgrd) is already serving all vendors, exiting.The error message disappears after step 99. To test if the license server is running and properly loaded the TI daemon simply type:host$./lmutil lmstat -aI also try to use GUI license admin, but I can’t open the license manager GUI after step 5.5. Follow the on-screen instructions.

    In the step Choose Install Folder point to the directory: /opt/licenseserver. In the step Launch Configuration the default values can be used.

    Code Composer Studio Manual


    In the step Start the Server check the box Start server now. A browser window will open with the main license manager GUI. Leave it open for now.

    Hi Chien-Hsiang,as much detail as possible.Ok, so the server running on windows is fine, is that correct? But server on Linux is not? What MAC address did you submit for your license file? It may make sense if the license file was generated for the windows machine, that is why it works there. If you wish to run the server on Linux, you will need a license file setup for the MAC address of the LInux machine. License files are generated to be on a machine with a specific MAC address, even floating licenses are coded with the servers MAC address.Do you think that could explain the issue?Best Regards,LIsa.

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    Code Composer Studio Download

    Build All ProjectsHighlight all projects - Right Click-BuildA green status bar will pop up while the project buildYour side bar should look like this if everything went well.NOTE: there may be 2 errors in ‘usblib’ on ‘ USBHOSTINSTATUS‘ and ‘ USBHOSTOUTSTATUS‘, you can ignore these for the time being. Any other errors are a problem. In the case of other errors you have either not set the dependencies correctly or not set the include paths correctly. Please go back and redo these steps.NOTE: you might get 3-4 warnings that look likeInvalid project path: Duplicate path entriesAndInvalid project path: Include path not foundThis means that in step 7 you added some redundant paths, usually it means you added the both the StellarisWare absolute paths and the ValvanoWare relative paths. You can either edit the path variables getting rid of the redundant paths, or you can leave them and ignore the warnings, the choice is yours.

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